COVID-19 Outreach Program

In July 2020, Inspire Ethiopia (IE) organized volunteers for a food drive. The volunteers collected and delivered non-perishable food items to Manna Food Center located in Montgomery County, Maryland, USA.

Green Legacy Initiative

In July 2019, Inspire Ethiopia participated in the Green Legacy Initiative of Reforestation Campaign in Ethiopia planting 15,000 trees in Neshe Village outside the town of Agena in the Gurage Zone of Ethiopia.   

Shoe-Shine Boys

IE sponsored three shoe-shine boys aged 9, 11, 14 to start school and assigned mentors who will provide them ongoing support.  The three young men have already started school this year.   

Helping the Elders

IE is helping some elders in the town of Wolkite who don't have any safety net by supplementing their living expenses. These include an elderly widow who is taking care of a handicapped child.